
Bafana - Artists | Kozzmozz



References: Alpha, Kerk


Bafana began throwing the Alpha nights in Ghent back in 2011 with his buddy Bromin because they were not necessarily into what was happening at the moment, so they started something themselves. Originally a UK garage night, they have gradually evolved into a broad techno and house refuge for diggers and dames alike. And yes, genres he used to play as a young gun, barely reaching above the decks, don't find their way to his record bag as swiftly as before, so instead of teenage flirtations with tribal and ghetto tech, these days he rather floats effortlessly from one decade to another as he does from one city to the next.

Jules' soul is already all over the place, all-absorbing, and his body is quickly following suit. Be it by delighting most of Europe's major cities' party scenes and well-received stints festivals like Dimensions or Tomorrowland, or by curating Alpha's own stage at WeCanDance or playing concierge at Kerk Gent. Slow/fast/soft/hard, it all depends on the mood but he's no moody man. He's got a perpetual smile seemingly cemented on his face instead. Doesn't that sound exactly like the kind of capable hands you would want to guide you deep into that gentle night?